(First Version)
Parts: XHTML and CSS Development, Graphic Design, minimal PHP script usage for “Contact” page
Summary: This was the first fully functioning site that I had for myself. Prior to this iteration I had basically used the URL as a playground for experimenting and learning about HTML and CSS. This version came about because of my need to have a site to allow people to access my presentation slides. I was speaking to the docents at the San Jose Museum of Art and felt that they might want to go back and see my presentation slides. I created the site in about a day and polished it up on the second day. There are aspects about it that I like and dislike.
I rather enjoy the minimal look and feel of it. I’m a lover of icons and it gave me the opportunity to utilize some that I found online in the menu on the right. It served it’s function by giving me the ability to connect, rather limitedly, with people that I presented to.
On the downside, everything on the site had to be hand-coded, unlike this new one which is driven by WordPress. While I enjoy hand-coding, by switching to WordPress I’m now able to focus on the content that I want to present. Also, the site did not use PHP includes to make updates easier. To make a correction to the navigation every page had to be updated for the change to take effect instead of updating one file.