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Random Thoughts : chris-alexander.com

Archive for the ‘Random Thoughts’ Category

New Site Redesign

Hello all,

Welcome to my newly redesigned website. I hope that you like the minimalist feel of it. I enjoyed redesigning it and I now know a lot about WordPress! It’s an unbelievable blogging platform that can be manipulated to accommodate any need or desire. Over the coming weeks I will be adding content from the old site as well as a lot of new stuff. I have many presentations that I have given that I would like to make available in the Presentations section. In the Projects section I am long overdue for an iPod Touch/iPhone Museum tour update (Done), so I plan on writing that; as well as talk about my experience at the Tate Handheld conference (Done). I hope to be updating the site regularly now that I have a blogging platform so please check back ofter!
