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Posts Tagged ‘web’

Introducing Typekit

I’m a little late on reporting this, but I’m really looking forward to more font choices while doing web development.  sIFR is nice, but it can be a little difficult implementing.  Typekit will handle the copyright and licensing concerns that come along with being able to link to different fonts for display in major new browsers.

Introducing Typekit « The Typekit Blog.

The Death Throes of Print?

Jason Santa Maria addresses the death of print and the take over of the web. Many traditionally print focused magazines are killing their paper versions and opting for web versions. I can think of a few people at my work who would benefit from reading this article.

The Death Throes of Print? | Jason Santa Maria.

The Age of Mass Intelligence

Most successful arts organisations are busy blowing away a certain dustiness and injecting a sense of fun and style. Adult education and debating societies used to mean draughty halls and comfortless benches. The School of Life, in contrast, looks like a designer shop and the Intelligence Squared debates take place, says O’Grady, “in the most comfortable leather seats northern Italy has to offer”.

via THE AGE OF MASS INTELLIGENCE | More Intelligent Life.